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Hurricanes: Science and Society
Science and Education Symposium 2010
Symposium Resources

The Hurricane Science and Education Symposium was held on October 25, 2010 as part of the launch of the Hurricanes: Science and Society website and the Louisiana State Museum exhibit, Living with Hurricanes: Katrina and Beyond. The resources from the symposium include the agenda, speaker biographies, speakers presentations, and background information.

Agenda and Background

Agenda (PDF, 781 KB)

Speaker Biographies (PDF, 524 KB)

Speaker Presentations by Panel

Welcome Remarks

William Read (Zip File, 5.95 MB), Director, National Hurricane Center

Hurricane Science: Theory, Observations, Models, and Forecasting

Isaac Ginis (Zip File, 9.65 MB) (URI) -Moderator
Chris Landsea (Zip File, 30.36 MB) (NOAA)
Mark DeMaria (Zip File, 57.14 MB) (NOAA)
Kerry Emanuel (Zip File, 13.7 MB) (MIT)
Tom Knutson (Zip File, 24.93 MB) (NOAA)

Facing Hurricanes: What Have We Learned?

Karen Leatham (Zip File, 41.34 MB) (Louisiana State Museum) - Moderator
Doug Meffert (PDF, 12.74 MB) (Tulane University)
John B. Grieshaber (Zip File, 6.16 MB) (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers)
Earthea Nance (Zip File, 4.56 MB) (University of New Orleans)
Ann Roberson (Zip File, 4.4 MB) (SC Department of Insurance)

Hurricane Education: Teaching Students and the Public

Gail Scowcroft (URI) - Moderator
Jean May-Brett (Zip File, 136 KB) (Louisiana Department of Education)
David Conley (Zip File, 14.78 MB) (Museum of Science and Industry, FL)
Megan O’Neill (Zip File, 2.17 MB) (Alabama High School Science Teacher, Presidential Award Winner)
Chris Simoniello (Zip File, 6.8 MB) (Gulf of Mexico Coastal Ocean Observing System)

Living with Hurricanes: Hazards, Impacts, Preparation, and Mitigation

Craig Tillman (Zip File, 17.67 MB) (Weather Predict) - Moderator
Peter Sheng (Zip File, 5.61 MB) (University of Florida)
Leslie Chapman-Henderson (Zip File, 39.8 MB) (Federal Alliance for Safe Homes, Inc. - FLASH)
Jeanne Salvatore (Zip File, 2.96 MB) (Insurance Information Institute- I.I.I.)
Mark Powell (Zip File, 5.48 MB) (NOAA)